Monday, January 30, 2012

How much would it cost to get my hair color corrected at a salon?

I have long curly hair and I bleached it a few months ago. The color came out in three different shades,blond on top, brassy in the middle, and ultra blonde on the ends. I'm going to get married in Dec. and I need to get this fixed! I'm on a limited budget and was wondering how much it would cost to get my type of hair fixed. Please help!How much would it cost to get my hair color corrected at a salon?
i work in a hair salon you are a corrective color so be prepaired to be there all day. this could cost you as little as 45 dollars or as much as 250 dolars depending on what color you actually want to be. I would suggest just making it as close to your natural as they can get it they will probably have to do a two to three step prcess on you. first even out the color and make the blonde you have now all gold then put brown over that. The brown may need to be applied twice and they are gonna charge you for every bottle of color that goes on your head. it will be worth it good luckHow much would it cost to get my hair color corrected at a salon?
$60. canadian
In Texas it would be about $50 for an average hair stylist. If you want a good coloring by a colorist it would cost about $160.
probably $40 - $50 dollars.
It all depends on what you want the results to be. Do you want to stay blonde all over? Do you want to go darker? Do you want darker all over with some hilites? These are all questions you need to consider, after all, this is for your wedding, correct? Is it a color you want to keep even after the wedding? What you need to do is visit your stylist and talk to him/her about what you want to see when you look in the mirror. It is going to cost a different price depending on where you live, demographics has alot to do with price, the bigger the city, the more you will pay. Just make sure you have a definite price quote before your stylist begins your service. This will avoid any sticker shock.

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